This is the last Folksy Friday featuring the July Jewels as the end of yet another month is drawing to a close. Well done to all those members who have continued to list and click everyday. The sales tally is standing at 671 as I write, proof the clubs work . Unfortunately it hasn't worked so well for me this month despite listing lots of new items. So with a final flourish of vaguely pink and neutral items I give you...........
Please click on the picture to go straight to these shops.
Blast from the past! We went shopping today. I usually avoid taking the children but it was a necessity. We needed more cake baking ingredients! When you shop online it's difficult to browse and so in a shop we sauntered around and I let the boys choose a few items. Lo and behold we wandered into some Angel Delight. I haven't had this for years and the boys never. They were drawn to the bright packets and it ended up in the trolley along with lots of chocolate, crisps, and Nerf guns! None of which were on the list. I have fond memories of my Nan thinking this packet food was such a modern treat. Well we followed the instructions and added some grated chocolate to the top and now they're hooked on a dried powder mix! The milk must have some nutritional value! The butterscotch was always my favourite flavour and remains so. Will you give away your age and admit to loving the stuff? What's your favourite flavour?
Look what I found on FOLKSY. How funny is that!
Passport cover by Sweetly Wrapped on Folksy
(Please click on the image to go directly to the shop.)
I apologise for writing a totally British blog post today! Angel Delight is a packet mix of flavour that you add milk to and it turns into a slightly set mousse dessert. It was very big in the 70's.
What a great idea! I think I may have to do this soon for 100 followers or something like that. Any ideas for great giveaways. I'm not very original and I don't tweet or facebook!
On the quest for the perfect cougette cake recipe I've found a better version than the one I listed before. We made it this morning on the first day of our school summer holidays. We still have a massive glut. Please feel free to give me some more courgette ideas.
ZavaLickDesigns on ETSY
(Please click for a direct link to the shop)
Mix in a bowl in any order then bake until brown at about 180 degrees. We did it for about 40 minutes.
2 eggs
1/2 tsp baking soda
1 1/4 cups of sugar
1/4 tsp baking powder
1 grated courgette(squeeze water out after grating and before adding)
So I've thought long and hard and have found my seven recipients of The versatile Blogger award. So I'm passing it on to you to spread some blogging love. These are an eclectic mix of mummy things, craft things, art things, allotments,jewellery,holidays and general musings and I love reading them all. In no particular order........
Now hopefully these bloggy people will find seven of their own recipients for The Versatile Blogger award, tell us seven things about themselves and link back to me!
This week much to my amazement as a new blogger I was nominated for The Versatile Blogger award. I've sometimes seen these on other peoples blogs and looked on enviously. Now two nominations on the same day! Thank you Lil-Pirahna-Fish ( I must find out how you got that name) and CeeGee Jewellery. Thank you both for reading and enjoying my blog. It is a bit random I know!
Little Bird Silver and Gemstone Pendant by CeeGeeJewellery on FOLKSY
This shop sells an amazing variety of handmade lampwork beads and silver jewellery. Each bead has been carefully crafted and is completey unique. I must add lampworking to my list of must trys but I don't think my efforts would look like these!
So the rules are I must tell you seven things about myself.
I am a keen vegetable grower.
I am a bookworm.
I once found a dead body.
I have a degree in Natural Environmental Science and a PGCE in Environmental Education
I am tone deaf.
I am the Scrabble Queen. (feeling pleased with that one as Mr.B. suggested it)He won't play with me anymore because he doesn't like loosing! He bought me an app so I could leave him alone.
I love maps.
That's a bit of a bizarre collection and I found it really hard to do. I don't want to tell you too much in one go!
An optimist is a person who sees a green light everywhere, while a pessimist sees only the red stoplight... the truly wise person is colorblind.
Albert Schweitzer
A July Jewels special. Please click on the picture for a direct link to the shops. These shops have been listing every day for the month of July on FOLKSY. Well done to all of you still going.
Crocheted Rich Red and GoldNecklace by Bedecked Beads
Silver Round Red Coral Earrings by AliBali Jewellery
It rained in the UK all weekend. I don't mean just drizzle, it was torrential. We stayed in all day Sunday and made things. My youngest experimented wih fabric paints. He liked the way the paint squirted out like worms and then dried up like plastic. We had a problem with the paint cracking as it dried though I'm not sure if it was just our bad technique or a normal happening. This is a picture he squirted onto a fabric drawstring bag.
Then we tried HAMA beads. We had some of these a while back and they had a transparent peg board with a picture underneath. You just put the corresponding colour bead on the peg board over the picture. I had no idea there were different levels and so we were very suprised when we opened the pack to find a small picture and white peg board. You had to count the number of pegs to decide where to start and then count VERY carefully how many of each colour to place next.
This worked well on the dinosaur head where there were lots of different colours to use as a reference point but was extremely difficult for a 5 year old when the colours on each layer were the same green.
When the picture is finished the adult places a sheet of special paper on top and then irons it. The plastic beads melt together with the heat and stick together. We've pinned the finished item up as it was too top heavy to stand up with the 'legs' provided.
Despite the difficulties we are looking forward to trying again in the sumer holidays. Even my eldest wants to try ! It's not even electrical!
I did a quick search on FOLKSY and ETSY and found some experts. Click on the picture to go straight to the shops.
We went to a local country fair this weekend ' The Tendring 100 show'. What a brilliant day out! We came home laden with free gifts, full bellies and great memories. The children tried pond dipping, american football, golf to name a few. They decorated biscuits and
made craft items.
The biggest marquees were full of groomed, brushed and clipped show animals. There were rabbits the size of a large babies, rats, chickens, cows, goats and dogs. My favourites were the sheep. This got me starting to think about wool. That and the crochet session last week! (I've had another few goes and am slowly getting it)
I don't really know that much about modern techniques for making wool. I've had a go at the traditional carding methods and seen people spinning on a wheel. I thought I'd blog about that but then I found this super serene video on Youtube about hand spinning. Not for fun or to 'craft' but to keep warm and I had to share. My first try at adding a video to the blog. Fingers crossed!
Don't fancy all that hard work?
Please click on the images below for a direct link to FOLKSY and ETSY shops that both make and sell these amazing yarns.
“If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself.” Henry Ford
I went to start my Folksy Friday blog today and could not open the website for the mini treasury code. Within seconds the July Jewels came to my rescue and sent me codes via email. Thanks to all those who responded you have the first 3 spots. What a great team! Please click on the picture to go straight to their shops. I have added a few gems from the week to round off the numbers.